“…if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.” Colossian 1:23
Paul is worried whether the Colossians will remain faithful, as he later states that he is confident they have understood what it means to be reconciled they will remain faithful to the gospel that reconciled them (Col. 2:5). He writes this as an expression both of confidence and as a warning to avoid the religious fads of the false teachers. It is obvious that Paul is also concerned about the sin of neglect; we simply stop paying attention and being drawn not toward God looking at faith, but rather ourselves.
God grant us a steadfast heart; one that is focused solely on you and the wonderful provisions you have made for our reconciliation. Let nothing, including ourselves, be allowed to move us away from the center of your will.