I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will
--Maya Angelou--
Good Morning,
I love to be inspired; I think most people do. Inspiration comes in many forms, for instance, watching someone do something special for another without fanfare. Watching a father play with his child is always a slam dunk with me. As a matter of fact seeing anything that makes a child laugh is a direct hit on my heart.
I ran my first marathon this year. Someone asked me if I was upset about the timing errors. I told them only if it took about an hour off my time. My goal was a simple one: finish. I read the next day about the last person to finish was a young man with Down’s syndrome. It took him 14 hours, but he did not quit. I am blessed by people that have every reason to quit and don’t.
I recently attended the Christmas program at our church in Aiea, “The First Leon,” performed by the children from their after school program. Early in the performance a young girl, I would guess around eight or nine sang. She had a wonderfully sweet voice, and was so articulate. I later discovered that this was her first solo. I certainly hope it is not her last. Needless to say, I was inspired.
Last week our Family Treatment Services had their Christmas Program. Included in the program was a Galatians Fashion Show, where the models wore sashes naming the various Fruit of the Spirit. Each of the women shared a short testimony of how they have learned to exhibit these various fruit in their lives. Knowing how far some of these women have come in their lives, and now hearing them speak of love, joy, peace and self control was thrilling. These women inspire me to be a better person.
We live in a cynical world. Daily headlines are depressing; the world situation seems to be getting worse by the day. There is plenty out there to bring about discouragement. However, inspiration is there as well, it is all around us. You can see it everyday. Look around and you will see simple, ordinary people doing very extraordinary things. If you look you will see people that have every reason to quit choosing not to. Watch carefully and you will see inspiration coming in simple things such as a gentle word or a kind deed.
Christmas is all about inspiration. It is about letting others know that we love and care for them. It is a time, more than any other, where our focus shifts toward others. Christmas is God modeling His love for us with the gift of a Baby in a manger, which is something He certainly did not have to do. That is the ultimate inspiration.